How To Choose The Right Investment Manager?


The financial industry can be very confusing to investors.  It is hard to determine whether those serving your needs are qualified or have your best interest in mind.  There are too many designations, titles, letters, and claims to be financial experts.  How do you find the right investment manager in this maze where there are so many pretending to do the same?

Does your investment manager have advanced training in financial markets? 

Do they have college degrees in Finance? 

Do they have specialized credentials that establish them as the experts that have the knowledge of very complex strategies of the continuously evolving markets? 

Are they considered well respected professionals who have integrity and high ethical standards?

The Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation is the gold standard and the highest distinction for investment professionals globally.  Knowing that we have the CFA letters after our names should allow you to feel fully confident that we have the sophistication, knowledge, expertise, and experience in building and preserving wealth, dealing with complex investments and market strategies, and will serve you with the utmost integrity as we uphold the highest ethical standards putting your interests above our own.  In addition, we hold advanced degrees in finance from leading and highly respected universities, and our lifetime training in financial markets and investments is extensive.  You can rest assured that with us, you have selected the right investment manager.